Violettes Imperiales (1er chap.) Violetta, No. 9.

Title: Violettes Imperiales (1er chap.) Violetta, No. 9.
Translated Title: 
Imperial Violets (1st Chapter) Violetta, No. 9.
Imperial Violets, 1st chapter, Violetta, No. 9. That evening, at the Palace of Compigene. Miss Perry-Fronsac and her friends waited for the arrival of St. Affremond. - You've been watched sir, you will lose the Queen. - Since I know your devotion to our sovereign, I will let you know that she herself told me to come here and wait for orders. - Where and when did that happen? - This afternoon at the bank of the Marshalls. - You fell into a trap. - … too late! Watch more in No. 10.
Series Title: 
Violettes Imperiales
Translated Series Title: 
Imperial Violets
Series Subtitle: 
Imperial Violets