Christus (la vie du Christ) 2eme chapitre la vie publique, No. 3

Title: Christus (la vie du Christ) 2eme chapitre la vie publique, No. 3
Translated Title: 
Christ (The Life of Christ) Chapter 2 The Public Life, No. 3.
The disciples were fishing in the lake of Genezareth. Jesus came to them by walking on water. The Transfiguration. One day when Jesus was teaching the people, the scribes and the pharisees brought a woman to Him. "Master, this woman has just been caught in the act of adultery. In similar cases, Moses prescribed stoning." "May he among you who is without sin cast the first stone." The children were rushing before Christ. To the disciples, who wanted to push them away, Jesus said "let the children come to me for the kingdom in the sky belongs to those such as them." Answering the prayers of Martha and Magdaleine, Jesus came to the grave of their brother Lazarus, dead for four days, and with a loud voice shouted: "Lazarus, come outside!" To be continued in Part 4.
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