Documentaires français. Belle-Isle-en-Mer

Title: Documentaires français. Belle-Isle-en-Mer
Translated Title: 
French Documentaries. Belle-Isle-en-Mer.
In Brittany - Belle-Isle-en-Mer and its imposing cliffs, composition and cinematography by R. Alexandre. The wild coast chipped away by the sea. This entire coastline is very dangerous, and sailors do not approach it without fear. The grotto of the apothecary. The wild coast at sunset. In each village, the Bretons have conserved their costumes and headdresses of yore. To relax from the painful life of the sea, boys and grils dance the Ridee. In this setting of various beauties, it is the sea that draws the lines. End.
Series Title: 
Documentaires français
Translated Series Title: 
French Documentaries
Series Subtitle: 
French Documentaries