Title: Conakry
Translated Title:
The city of Conakry, built on the island of Tumbo, is the center of administration of French Guinea. The island of Tumbo is situated at the southern point of the Sangareah Bay. It is separated from the continent by a narrow lagoon over which a road was constructed. On the perimeter of the island the cove of the dragon tree can be found. The lighthouse. A promenade surrounds the island. A telegraph post without wires. Here is the Fifth Avenue, which is the most frequented and the most commercial. The Government Palace. In the gardens of the palace. The Ballay hospital (300 beds for the natives, 50 beds for the Europeans). The marketplace. A young Soussous woman and her child. At the entrance of the port there is a gigantic silk-cotton tree 35 meters in height. The pier. Exports consist mainly of palm nuts, peanuts, bananas, and pineapples. The Conarky road towards the inland area (350 km of road). The platform for the railroad from Conarky to Niger.