Documentaires colonies. A travers le Désert. Le Pays de la soif.

Title: Documentaires colonies. A travers le Désert. Le Pays de la soif.
Translated Title: 
Colonial Documentaries. Across the Desert. Land of Thirst.
Across the Desert. The Land of Thirst. Large and massive mountains arise in the center of the Sahara: including Ahnet, Mouydir, and Hoggar. The Arak gorges carved into the sandstone, used to enter the heart of these mountains. Higher up, the granite rocks undergo a slow disaggregation. Now the center of the Hoggar (reaching up to 3,000 meters in height) is nothing more than a rocky chaos. The volcanic eruptions also give passage to the Basaltic flows as the debris recovers the mountain slopes. In the direction of Sudan extends a region deprived and dreadful: Tanezrouft or the Land of Thirst, without water and without vegetation for over 500km. The Adrar of Iforas belongs to Sudan. These mountains seem buried under their own debris, whose black patina, of chemical formation, is called the "Varnish of the Desert." Kidrar's office in Adrar, and his camp of infantrymen. Drums of the infantrymen. Fort Borem near Niger. Djoliba! Djoliba! (The Niger! The Niger!) This is the cry of the natives when after the painful voyage through the desert, they finally see the river.
Series Title: 
Documentaires Colonies
Translated Series Title: 
Colonial Documentaries
Series Subtitle: 
Colonial Documentaries