Documentaires colonies. Conakry.

Title: Documentaires colonies. Conakry.
Translated Title: 
Colonial Documentaries. Conakry.
The city of Conakry, built on the island of Tumbo is the chief-place of French Guinea. The island of Tumbo is located at the Southern most point of the bay of Sangareah. It is separated from the continent by a narrow lagoon over which a bridge was constructed. The Dragon cove is located on the periphery of the island. The lighthouse. A walk route bypasses the island. An extension of wireless telegraphy. Here is the Fifth Avenue which is the most frequented and the most commercial. The Palace of the Government. In the garden of the Palace. Ballay Hospital (300 beds for the natives, 50 beds for the Europeans). The market. Young Susu and her child. At the entrance of the port there is a gigantic kapok that is about 35 meters tall. The pier. The primary exports are palm nuts, peanuts, bananas, and pineapples. The road to Conakry toward the interior (350 km of road). The railway station from Conakry to Niger.
Series Title: 
Documentaires Colonies
Translated Series Title: 
Colonial Documentaries
Series Subtitle: 
Colonial Documentaries