Documentaires Italie Espagne. Golfe de Porto (Corsica).

Title: Documentaires Italie Espagne. Golfe de Porto (Corsica).
Translated Title: 
Documentaries Italy Spain. Gulf of Porto (Corsica).
In Corsica, the Gulf of Porto, composition and cinematography by R. Alexandre. Here are the Coves of Piana, huge red granite rocks with bizzare shapes. The road, encased by two rock curtains along the edge of an abyss is a true work of art. The gulf of Porto, gracious and sinuous. At each turn a different view, and the landscape loses its severity. A Corsican peasant. The coasts of the gulf. The Port of Porto lies under a pormontory with an old Genoese tower. The end.
Series Title: 
Documentaires Italie Espagne
Translated Series Title: 
Documentaries Italy Spain
Series Subtitle: 
Documentaries Italy Spain