Documentaires Colonies. La vallée du Yosemite
Title: Documentaires Colonies. La vallée du Yosemite
Translated Title:
Colonial Documentaries. The Valley of Yosemite.
The Valley of Yosemite (California). The falls of Yosemite seen from the Prairies of Merced. The falls of Nevada (195m) whose water jump into a thunderous crash on the naked slopes of the canyon. Mirror Lake, where Mount Watkins projects the darkness of its shadows and the blooming clarity of its snowy peaks. The valley of Yosemite, a true earthly paradise in its fertility, became property of the state and put under public control. End, composition by Miss G. Jousset.
Series Title:
Documentaires Colonies
Translated Series Title:
Colonial Documentaries
Series Subtitle:
Colonial Documentaries